The agenda is now available
Projectors for talks use a 16:9 screen format
Poster presentations will have to be in A0 vertical format!
The List of Participants is now available
08:15![]() 08:45 |
Registration |
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Welcome |
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Publishing with Nature Communications |
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I08-SXM: The Scanning X-ray Microscopy Facility at the Diamond Light Source |
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A scanning soft x-ray microscope in absorption and fluorescence modes at the Pohang Light Source (PLS) |
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Nanoscale Multimodal Imaging Capability of the Hard X-ray Nanoprobe at the NSLS-II |
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X-ray phase-contrast imaging and metrology using periodic and random wavefront modulators |
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Conference picture & Coffee break |
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X-ray Fluorescence Imaging and Spectroscopy with High Spatial Resolution at NSLS-II |
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Analytical requirements for quantitative X-ray fluorescence nano-imaging of metal traces in solid samples |
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Focusing and Diffraction Properties of Micro-Channel Plates for Transmitted X-ray Radiation |
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Nanotomography and X-Ray Fluorescence Microscopy for quantitative Iron concentration map in inflamed cells |
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Lunch |
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Multi-element Germanium Detectors for Synchrotron Applications |
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ARDESIA: 4-Channels Fast SDD X-ray Spectrometer for Synchrotron Applications |
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Seven-Element SDD with Optimized Packing Factor to Reduce Scattering Background |
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Coffee break |
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X-ray microanalytical activities at the IAEA Nuclear Science and Instrumentation Laboratory |
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Fast switching between 2D and direct, 3D XRF imaging using Collimating Channel Arrays and the Maia detector |
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Drinks and Poster Session |
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Time resolved X-ray diffraction computed tomography for studying real systems under operando conditions |
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Evaluation of the XTM setup at the P05 Imaging Beamline at PETRA III using a sample of Nanoporous gold |
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Extreme Imaging with the synchrotron pink beam |
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Inspecting sub-grain level deformation in poly-crystals |
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P03 nanofocus end-station for material science |
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Diffractive X-ray Optics for Synchrotrons and Free Electron Lasers |
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Fresnel zone plates for nanoARPES |
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Imaging with Nanometer Resolution from 8 to 100 keV using Multilayer Zone Plates (MZP) |
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Fabrication and characterization of monolithic multilayer Laue lens nanofocusing optics for hard x-ray microscopy |
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Development of X-ray refractive optics for new diffraction limited X-ray sources |
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Coffee break |
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Visualizing batteries discharge products at Mistral |
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3-D structure of a gasoline spray by polycapillary X-ray micro-tomography |
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Three-dimensional characterization of magnetic multilayer thin films using resonant soft X-ray scattering |
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Hard X-ray in-situ full-field microscopy for material science |
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Fully-fractionated microprobe analysis |
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Matrix Factorization for the near real time analysis of XRF imaging data |
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Analyzing 4D Tomographic X-Ray Spectromicroscopy Data with Mantis |
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Monochromatic beam based quantitative dynamic micro computed tomography |
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Lunch |
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Advances in hybrid pixel detectors for photon science |
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EIGER and PILATUS3 CdTe detector systems for advanced X-ray studies |
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Maia Mapper: High definition XRF imaging in the lab |
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High Speed, Simultaneous XRD-XRF Mapping |
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The Munich Compact Light Source: Performance upgrades and biomedical research |
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Micro-X-Ray fluorescence spectrometer with X-ray single bounce gold capillary optics for light element analysis |
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Volume Elemental Mapping in Confocal Geometry for Spectroscopy Studies of Biological Samples |
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Is the future bright for simultaneous X-ray ptychography and fluorescence microscopy? |
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Higher dimensional ptychography at the ALS |
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Simultaneous XRF and Ptychographic imaging of FCC Particles |
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Understanding the structure and aging of Zwischgold |
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Ultra high-speed X-ray phase-contrast imaging using single-pulse synchrotron radiation |
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(Resonant) Hard X-ray Ptychography for High-Sensitivity Imaging with Chemical Contrast |
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Coffee break and Poster Session |
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Elemental imaging at micro and nanoscale in toxicology research: from occupational diseases to reproductive medicines |
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X-ray fluorescence imaging as a tool for recognition of different types of the ovarian cancer tissues |
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Characterization of cortical bone demineralization by X-ray-based techniques: A micro and nano scale study |
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X-ray based micro- and nanoimaging of nanoparticles in exposed biota |
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Investigating differences in Nanoscale distribution of trace metals in biominerals |
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X-ray optics, state of the art and current issues |
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Stitching capabilities at the LCLS Metrology Laboratory |
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Diagnostic of Forward Bragg Diffraction Hard X-ray beams for Self-Seeding applications SwissFEL |
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Hard X-ray interferometers fabricated by Si planar technologies |
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Wavefront sensing using ptychography at FELs |
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Coffee break |
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Imaging of chemical composition in plant tissues: revealing physiological mechanisms to improve food quality and safety |
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Confocal X-Ray Fluorescence Microscopy at the Advanced Photon Source Sector 20 |
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A first look at the quantification capabilities of the prototype Mars 2020 Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry |
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QESA - Quarantine Extraterrestrial Sample Analyses: methodology and setup |
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Diffractive/Reflection optical elements. From Bragg reflection to total external reflection |
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Wavefront preserving mirrors at LCLS |
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Development of kinoform lenses made of quartz for microbeam X-ray diffraction |
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Coated Hollow Capillaries as X-Ray Optics |
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Miniaturized X-ray zoom lens |
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Lunch |
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Optimized High Energy Performance of Polycapillary Optics for µXRF Analysis |
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Polycapillary Optic for Liquid-Metal-Jet X-Ray Tubes |
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Optimized High Energy Performance of Polycapillary Optics for µXRF Analysis |
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Visit to Elettra and Kyma |
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Nanoscale spectroscopy and tomography with the HZB full-field transmission X-ray microscope |
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Beam tracking phase tomography with laboratory sources |
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Comparison of CCD and sCMOS Detector for Sub-micron Resolution in Lab-based X-ray Computed Tomography |
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X-rays, microscopy, and rock and roll |
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The Full-Field XRF Imaging System For Investigation Of Paintings |
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Coffee break |
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Discrimination of organic compounds in ancient and historical materials with in situ synchrotron-based X -Ray Raman scattering |
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Monte Carlo simulation and EDXRF analysis of the pigments used in “Natura Morta” (1946) by Mario Mafai |
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Synchrotron XRF/XAS Applications on Heritage glasses in Thailand |
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The Bernstorf Gold u2013 A Challenge to the Flexibility of SRXRF |
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In-air PIXE, MeV-SIMS, and DAPNe-MS: a multidimensional analytical approach for unlocking chemical information in scalp hair |
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Concluding remarks |
Confirmed Invited Speakers
The following scientists have already agreed to give invited talks:
Anna Bergamaschi (PSI, Switzerland) - Advances in hybrid pixel detectors for photon science
Christian David (PSI, Switzerland) - Diffractive X-ray Optics for Synchrotrons and Free Electron Lasers
Burkhard Kaulich (Diamond Light Source, UK) - I08-SXM: The Scanning X-ray Microscopy Facility at the Diamond Light Source
Marco di Michiel (ESRF, France) - Time resolved X-ray diffraction computed tomography for studying real systems under operando conditions
Lorella Pascolo (University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy) - Elemental imaging at micro and nanoscale in toxicology research: from occupational diseases to reproductive medicines '
François Polack (Soleil, Paris, France) - X-ray optics, state of the art and current issues
Juliane Reinhardt (DESY, Germany) - (Resonant) Hard X-ray Ptychography for High-Sensitivity Imaging with Chemical Contrast
Gerd Schneider (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany) - Nanoscale spectroscopy and tomography with the HZB full-field transmission X-ray microscope
Pete Siddons (BNL, USA) - Multi-element Germanium Detectors for Synchrotron Applications
Juergen Thieme (NSLS-II, USA) - X-ray Fluorescence Imaging and Spectroscopy with High Spatial Resolution at NSLS-II
Michael Jones (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia) - Is the future bright for simultaneous X-ray ptychography and fluorescence microscopy?
Katarina Vogel Mikuš (University of Ljubljana and Joseph Stefan Institute, Slovenia) - Imaging of chemical composition in plant tissues: revealing physiological mechanisms to improve food quality and safety